Advanced Robotic Fibroid Removal
Fibroid Removal
Minimally Invasive Surgical Solutions

Uterine Fibroid Treatment

We offer advance laparoscopic robotic fibroid removal in Hyderabad to treat uterine fibroids, which causes pain, heavy bleeding and fertility issues. This method is majorly considered by many womens and doctors. As fibroids are a common phenomenon observed in the female body at any age. To prevent potential complications, our lady gynecologist begins the treatment process with a personalized examination to thoroughly assess the fibroids. Regardless of the size, shape and location of the fibroid in the uterus, we ensure to precisely operate on fibroid removal surgery safely. Consult us to book an appointment uterine fibroid treatment in Hyderabad at Mulberry Dental and Womens Care for effective relief from fibroid-related symptoms.

Identifying signs, seeking solutions

Types of Fibroid Types

Submucosal Fibroids

Within uterine cavity, causing heavy menstrual bleeding and fertility issues.

Intramural Fibroids

In uterine wall, leading to pelvic pressure, pain and infertility concerns.

Subserosal Fibroids

Outside uterine wall, inducing pelvic discomfort, urinary symptoms and back pain.

Pedunculated Fibroids

Attached to uterine wall by a stalk, potentially causing severe pain and complications.

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Ready yourself for successful treatment

Robotic Fibroid Removal Benefits

  • Minimally Invasive: Smaller incisions and less pain comparatively to traditional operations.
  • Quick Recovery: Short hospital stays and easily return back to everyday activities.
  • Lower Risk: Reduced blood loss and infection risk.
  • Precision: Improved visualization and control, especially with robotic surgery.
  • Uterus Preservation: Allows for removal of fibroids while keeping the uterus.
  • Reduced Scarring: Smaller incisions result in light scarring.
  • Post-Operative Complications: Fewer issues like adhesions and hernias.

Overall, laparoscopic & robotic fibroid removal are effective option with successful patient outcomes.

Understand fibroid characteristics

Fibroid Removal Process

Consultation Appointment

Initial evaluation to discuss the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and treatment options with our expert team.

Surgical Intervention

Based on the discussion, we accurately remove fibroids with minimal invasiveness using advanced laparoscopic or robotic techniques.

Post-Procedure Care

After surgery, the patient will be monitored briefly before discharge, with guidance on pain management, surgical site care.

Revolutionizing Surgical Treatment

Advanced Robotic Fibroid Removal

Mulberry Dental and Womens Care provides advanced robotic fibroid removal treatment in Hyderabad, specializing in resolving issues related to uterine fibroids. Each procedure is performed through small incisions, leading to less postoperative pain and reduced scarring compared to traditional surgery. With the precision of robotic arms, our surgeons attain superior dexterity and maneuverability around complex anatomical structures. This virtually painless technique reduces the need for blood transfusions and minimizes blood loss. Our robotic system accurately customizes each procedure to fibroid removal based on the size, location and number of fibroids. For robotic-assisted fibroid removal procedures, visit our women's clinic in Hyderabad.

Advanced Robotic Fibroid Removal in Hyderabad
Advanced Robotic Fibroid Removal in Hyderabad

Causes of Fibroids

With a support of top rated gynecologist, we offer advance fibroid removal surgery in Hyderabad. Our clinical research and experience have identified the following factors as potential causes of fibroids:

  • Hormonal Imbalance: Estrogen and progesterone, the hormones that regulate menstrual cycle and promote the growth of fibroids.
  • Medication: Follow prescribed guidelines for any pre-operative medications or supplements.
  • Genetic Factors: A family history of fibroids raises the risk of developing them, indicating a genetic predisposition.
  • Extracellular Matrix (ECM): This ECM network binds cells to become overly thick and stimulates the fibroid growth in uterus.
  • Growth Factors: Chemical alterations, such as insulin-like growth factors, contribute to the development of fibroids.
Seamless Surgical Journey

Why Choose Mulberry


Over 5,000 successful robotic and laparoscopic fibroid surgeries performed with our expertise.

Customized Plans

Considering factors such as age and the causes of fibroids, we personally customize treatment plans.

Preventive Care

To avoid future complications, we educate on preventive care to maintain a fibroid-free and healthy uterus.

Fibroid Removal Experts
Expert Care, Optimal Outcomes

Fibroid Removal Experts

Treating various minor to major uterine-related issues successfully, we have an experienced team of Fibroid Removal Experts in Hyderabad at Mulberry Dental and Womens Care. We prioritize patient reassurance by offering attentive care and organizing each step, from initial consultation through to postoperative recovery. Our medical team carefully assesses each case, recommending minimally invasive procedures. But for larger sized fibroids, we perform fibroid removal surgery (myomectomy) to remove fibroids while preserving the uterus. Each procedure is conducted with the highest level of privacy and care, ensuring patient comfort throughout. Our gynecological services also include, regular follow-up appointments to manage potential complications and avoid regrowth of fibroids in lifetime.

Transform Your Health Today

Book Your Consultation

Reclaim your comfort and health today. Book a consultation with our uterine fibroid specialist now. Experience advanced laparoscopic and robotic fibroid removal treatment in Hyderabad at Mulberry Dental and Womens Care Clinic. We are expert in treating even the most complex cases of uterine fibroids.


Frequently Asked Questions

No, but you might feel mild discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed pain relievers.
Yes, many women have successfully conceived post-surgery.
Yes, after a comprehensive evaluation, our doctor suggests medications depending on your fibroid symptoms.
Menstrual cycles may become lighter, with reduced pain and fewer symptoms post-surgery.
No, as we use advanced technology, the scars are minimal and fade away over time.